Yesterday we drove to Chicago in near white-out conditions as snow continued to fall all around us. We got to O’Hare Airport in Chicago by about 4 or 5 pm, and there we ate and waited for our plane. After we finally boarded the plane (about 45 minutes late) we sat and waited for other guests to board for nearly an hour until takeoff. Flying overnight really stinks. Sleeping is awful. Although I did happen to think about renting “The World’s Fastest Indian” while driving to the Airport…and the first movie on the flight: The World’s Fastest Indian! Strange.
Here we are at the Airport Hotel. We’re basically going to have our stuff here and if we find a hotel that we want to stay in that is not here, we probably will. Ah well… we’re off to Dublin now. Hopefully we can find food and a church for Mass tomorrow. Should have planned this trip better, but we didn’t know, having never traveled before.
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