Posted this in a forum, just wanted to post it here:
Let me start by saying that this will be my only post in this thread as I will say all that I feel that I need to say here, very shortly.
1: Catholics ARE Christians….regardless of what anyone may tell you, if someone says otherwise, then they clearly do not know anything about the Catholic Church and need to be re-educated. This isn’t slander, it is the truth.
2: Catholics put the Bible together, yes, the very book that you’re all quoting to say that Catholics are wrong, well, we put it together.. even Martin Luther attested to that
3: History reveals early Christians doing an early version of the Mass: Letters from around 100 AD that clearly describe what can only be compared to the Catholic Mass have been found. Don’t ask for them, I don’t know where they are, just that they exist. You might be able to find out about them at
4: Christ wants UNITY and to continue this argument without honestly looking at things from both sides and remaining ignorant and continue to argue based on rumors, hearsay and misconstrued slander against the Catholic Church would just be ridiculous. So please, get yourselves educated on Why Catholics Do That
5. Read anything by Scott Hahn, G.K. Chesterton, Peter Kreeft or even, yes, J.R.R. Tolkien. All of them are smarter than I am, Chesterton and Tolkien are probably smarter than most of us combined. Chesterton and Tolkien were GREAT influences on C.S. Lewis. Yes, he read them, and was great friends with Tolkien. Perhaps we can all take something from their examples.
6. Arguing in a Forum goes Nowhere: because there is enough stuff already out there on both sides. If you truly wish to argue against something like Protestantism, or Catholicism, or Mormonism… go to the source and learn about them first. Do not make assumptions and accusations about things that you know little to nothing about. No matter how much you think you know, I guarentee you it is not enough.
Thank you
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