I’ve just read that they have decided to re-name the Karate Kid remake. Thank you! The Kung Fu Kid is a name that I recommended back in January.
This is the first positive news that I have heard. According to an interview with Jackie Chan, found on FirstShowing: “They don’t want to call it Karate Kid any more,” Chan said. “They want to call it The Kung Fu Kid.”
It’s about time that a company got some bit of intelligence when doing a remake of a film that many, including myself, consider to be a classic among films created in the past 150 years.
I mean, Pat Morita was nominated for an Academy Award for his performance in the original Karate Kid. Let’s not have Jackie Chan try to repeat that performance. Let’s see if the news continues to improve as character names are changed, and the name Miyagi doesn’t appear in the film.
-via Obsessed with Film
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